Thursday, December 9, 2021

Castiel Episode 2

Dialog options can change on what happens. Most of it's the same, but some can be added or removed based on events.

Ruke, what are you doing here?

  1. I'm avoiding this guy, he's a real drag...
  2. Nothing much, what about you?
  3. I'm trying to avoid three stupid girls.
    1. So, you'll help me?
    2. That's for sure... But I didn't do anything to them to deserve this.
    3. I'll find a way to get back at them someday. 
    4. Yeah, he's a bit of a pain!
    5. I was actually thinking about a guy I know who followed me here to this school.
    6. No, actually you're the one who's the drag... What has Nathaniel ever done to you anyway?
      1. You're horrible, I wouldn't go that far!
      2. Haha, go for it, with a bit of luck you just might beat them in a fight. I'll be the referee.
      3. You would do that? I'll even pay you if you want!
        1. ?!? (Laugh and pinch him back.)
        2. ?!? (Laugh and leave.)

Of course, just like half of the school.

  1. It's not funny! It wasn't your picture being put up all around school.
  2. You think that's funny, huh? Maybe you had something to do with it?
  3. Go ahead, make fun of me! I don't care...
    1. I see, just forget it.
    2. It was those three stupid girls!
    3.  Please, help me...
      1. That's for sure... But I didn't do anything to them to deserve this.
      2. So, you'll help me?
      3. I'll find a way to get back at them someday.
        1. You're horrible, I wouldn't go that far!
        2. Haha, go for it, with a bit of luck you just might beat them in a fight. I'll be the referee.
        3. You would do that? I'll even pay you if you want!
          1. ?!? (Laugh and pinch him back.)
          2. ?!? (Laugh and leave.)

~~~~~~~ Gardening Club ~~~~~~~

Castiel, I have to go the gardening club, do you know where it is?

  1. Well, well..."for girls" huh. That's not surprising coming from you.
  2. Are you kidding me? You didn't just land here yesterday, did you? You should know where it is, at least.
  3. I didn't have a choice, and the basketball club was even less tempting.
    1. (Insist)
    2. (Don't insist)

~~~~~~~ Basketball Club ~~~~~~~

 Castiel, I have to go the basketball club, do you know where it is?

  1. Or maybe not?
  2. Could you give me a straight answer once in awhile? You're really annoying!
  3. Please, can you show me where it is? 
    1. Nothing, but you could do it anyway, couldn't you?
    2. The pleasure of my company?
    3. Uh...
      1. I'm not sure, but I'm supposed to help out a club.
      2. Something like mandatory participation in a school club, I think.
      3. The pricipal asked me to help out a club.

 I almost didn't wait. Follow me, you'll see it's just right next to the gymnasium. You could have found it on your own if you had tried.

  1. You're not going to help me?
  2. Um... no.
  3. Do you know?
::Go here for location of missing basketballs::

~~~~~~~ Absentee Note ~~~~~~~

Absentee Notice: Giving the note to Ken Gives a MASSIVE negative. 


  1. So, you cut class again? I've got a note for you to sign.
  2. Sign this, please.
  3. Nathaniel gave me an absentee note for you to sign please.

Do you need anything else?

  1. He's insisting you know...
  2. Look, sign this and we can forget about it.
  3. You really don't want to sign this?

Did you give him the message?

  1. Like you mentioned earlier, a real man accepts his responsibilities, so just sign it, that's all.
  2. Eh...I know, but Nathaniel keeps pushing me...
  3. Well... He said if you were a man you would accept your responsibilities and sign it. So, if you wouldn't mind...
    1. What, really? I don't want you to get expelled, forget about the note, I'll give it back to him. (Don't get Castiel to sign the absentee note)
    2. Ok listen, I'm tired of all this, sign it and if you're not happy, take it up with him. (Force Castiel to sign the absentee note)

~~~~~~~ Date Question ~~~~~~~

Must have Higher Hearts then Nathan or Ken to get Castiel

 (Wait! They're going to start fighting! Who should I stand up for?)

  1. (Stand up for Castiel.)
  2. (Stand up for Nathaniel.)

 ~~~~~~~ Outfit ~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~ End Illustration ~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~ Video ~~~~~~~

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