Thursday, December 9, 2021

Ken Episode 2

Dialog options can change on what happens. Most of it's the same, but some can be added or removed based on events.

Hi Ruke!

  1. Ken, what did you tell those girls?!
  2. Ken, did those three girls come and bother you?
  3. You!!! Stop telling people that nonsense! Especially to those three! 
    1. M-Maybe, but that's their problem, watch what you say though!
    2. What do you mean they took your money?
    3. Are you crazy? Never! And if you say once more that we're going out together, to anyone....
      1. Do you have enough money left for me?
      2. Did they take a lot? Tell me how much and I can reimburse you if you want.
      3. You can't let people do that to you! Be a man!

Yes, they pushed me on the ground and took my money saying that they wanted to eat lunch at a restaurant instead of the cafeteria.

  1. You can't let them do that to you! Be a man!
  2. Do you have any money left for me?
  3. Did they take a lot? Tell me how much and I can reimburse you if you want.
    1. Yeah, they made fun of me!
    2. Did they give you a photocopy?
    3. No, no, nothing happened...
      1. Forget about it.
      2. It's pointless for me to talk to you about it, you can't even defend yourself.
      3. Ah, it's nothing, be careful though.

~~~~~~~ Gardening Club ~~~~~~~

 Ken, are you supposed to help out in a club too?

  1. Well...If I had known I would have chosen the basketball club.
  2. Uh...Unfortunately, yes I did.
  3. Yes, you like plants too?
    1. Yeah, I'm sure we're going to have fun.
    2. I think I'm going to ask the principal if I can change. ..
    3. But I'm not going to garden with you!
      1. (Keep talking to Ken.)  (+ if you have positive and nothing if negative hearts)
      2. (Leave.)   
        1. Why did you choose the gardening club?
        2. Do you know anything about plants?
        3. Do you at least know anyone in the gardening club?

 I was coming to find you but I see you've found the gardening club all on your own. It's nice, isn't it?

  1. *Sigh*
  2. Are you still following me or what?
  3. Oh you're here too, should we look for something to do?
    1. We'll have a look around, ok? There might be something...
    2. We should split up and try to manage each on his own.
    3. I think you have to go and look for plants in the forest!

 Ah, that's really nice! I watered the plants in the courtyard.

  1. Do you need help?
  2. Ok... Well, I haven't finished yet, I'm off!
  3. I don't care what you do.

~~~~~~~ Basketball Club ~~~~~~~

Ken, are you supposed to help out in a club too?

  1. Um, well you guessed wrong.
  2. Well... I'm glad I chose the basketball club I guess.
  3. In fact, I prefer basketball. 
    1. I don't know, you'd have to ask the principal.
    2. No! Gardening suits you!
    3. Don't even try it! Stop following me around everywhere!

 I know where the basketball club is!

  1. You're as useless as always, I already know where it is.
  2. Thanks, that's nice of you, but someone already showed me where it is.
  3. That's alright, I know where it is.

~~~~~~~ Absentee Note ~~~~~~~

 Not much, do you need help?

  1. No, not from you anyway.
  2. Yes, can you do me a favor?
  3. Maybe, how did you know?
    1. Hmm...No, don't worry about it, I'll do it myself. (Keep the absentee note.)
    2. Thanks Ken, you're great. (Give the absentee note to Ken.)(Warning: this option gives a Massive dislike hit to Nathan and Cas.)
~~~~~~~ Outfit ~~~~~~~ 

~~~~~~~ End Illustration ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~ Video ~~~~~~~

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